Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Holocaust And Japanese Internment Camps - 1800 Words
The Holocaust was a very tragic time period as well as the Japanese-American Internment Camps. They took place at different time periods. The Holocaust first started on January 30, 1933 and ended on May 8, 1945. The Japanese-American Internment camps took place on February 19, 1942 to the end of 1945. A brief summary of the Holocaust is that Adolf Hitler, the ruler of Germany lied to the people of Germany. He made it seem as if was â€Å"clean†and would make the country great. They obviously believed him because 1: they would have never thought Hitler was going to become a dictator and 2: he probably backed himself up with a lot of evidence. When Hitler became ruler he turned everything upside down. He was not the man he said he was, he was just a dictator. It was then when he made the death camps for the Jews. The Internment Camps however, did not go that extreme as the Holocaust. The Internment camps was declared by Franklin D. Roosevelt. He made every one who was Japanese or had a Japanese decent go to these camps. Even soldiers who had a decent had to go. They gave them very bad food but no death camps were involved. This effect was from the cause of Pearl Harbor. Overall, the Holocaust and Internment Camps were different but similar in many ways. The Holocaust started by Adolf Hitler. Hitler was born on April 20, 1889. His parents were called Klara Hitler and his dad was named Alois Hitler. Hitler had siblings but out of the six children born only two survived, Adolf hisShow MoreRelatedJapanese Internment Camps during WWII1584 Words  | 7 Pagesdiscrimination near World War II (WWII) were the Jewish people and Japanese Americans. Both groups faced very different types of discrimination by different oppressors with different motives yet their treatment was very similar and many events paralleled each other. The treatment of Japanese in WWII internment camps was as harsh as the Holocausts treatment of the Jewish people. 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