Sunday, August 23, 2020
English language (meaning) linguistics you can find every thing in the Essay
English language (which means) semantics you can discover everything in the document - Essay Example The essential target of this model is to recognize sense put away in semantic memory and the focal sense related with outspread class. This model has been discovered helpful when applied to a scope of lexical classifications like relational words, action words and things. It has additionally been utilized effectively in a few dialects other than English. In the extent of this paper, Cognitive Semantics as a field will be examined, summarized and characterized. Subjective phonetics and polysemy might act naturally examined and remarked on every now and then. Terms like ‘polysemy fallacy’ will likewise be characterized and examined all the while. The paper endeavors to fundamentally survey the striking highlights of this model and talk about its essentialness in the investigation of semantics when all is said in done. Works by Vyvyan Evans are refered to most every now and again in this exposition. Andrea Tyler and Stephen Levinson are two different scholars whose works we re additionally incredibly huge in the composition of this paper. There will be a useful utilization of a psychological semantic investigation of the much remarked upon English word ‘over’, including applied ‘Principled Polysemy’ as exhibited by Tyler and Evans in 2001.  This paper will initially examine and follow the field the improvement of the field of intellectual semantics, basically survey the methodologies of truth-contingent and pertinence hypothesis schools and arrive at a resolution with respect to the current hugeness of the subjective semantics field. Words: 361 Words Critical Review: 1. Foundation: What is Cognitive Semantics? The investigation of subjective semantics took off during the 1970s, to a great extent as a dissent against the objectivist pattern of American and English conventions of theory (Evans and Green, 2006). The overwhelming position taken by scholars of the time had a place with the school of the ‘truth-restrictive s emantics’. Eve Sweetser portrays this school as: ‘By seeing importance as the connection among words and the world, truth-restrictive semantics wipes out intellectual association from the etymological system’(Sweetser, 1990). In practically direct resistance to this, psychological semantics considers importance to be the sign of applied structure. At the end of the day, mental portrayal, in the entirety of its differing and multi-faceted structure, is featured. A main expert of intellectual semantics during the 1970s, Leonard Talmy, has depicted it in this way: ‘[R]esearch on psychological semantics is inquire about on applied substance and its association in language’ (Talmy, 2000). I) Principles of Cognitive Semantics: Cognitive Semantics acknowledges a couple of standards as its focal concerns: That applied structure is ‘embodied’, i.e., deliberations are transformed into solid originations by the encapsulation of experience. That sem antic structure is itself such a theoretical structure. Portrayal of significance is ‘encyclopaedic’, i.e., words don't speak to slick groups of importance yet are purposes of access (Evans and Green, 2006). Development of importance is likewise conceptualisation. To develop this, sequentially, the epitome of calculated structure alludes to the theoretical originations that with the assistance of the setting of setting, regardless of whether social or something else, get consolidated into concrete ‘
Friday, August 21, 2020
Liubov Popova Essay
Liubov Popova finished The Pianist in 1915. Through a mix of styles Popova made this canvas utilizing Cubo-Futurism, a manufactured style painting created in Russia around 1910 (Boguslawski). She shows incredible balance by painting an enormous piece dependent on a theoretical example of curved and straight planes. This is an authentic sythesis of a musician, piano keys, and sheet music. This work of art, with its advanced substance, gets the aggregate use of craftsmanship and innovation to the investigation of music. As a theoretical artwork of a musician, Popova changed the characteristic highlights so as to stress and uncover certain parts of the entertainer. The musicality of visual components in this work of art gives coherence and stream that drives the eyes in a left-to-right course. Liquid, bending lines slice through the calculated shapes proposing movement over the console. The designed, repeating variations of differentiating natural and inorganic shapes make mood and time proposing beat of the music the musician is playing. The artistic creation is formed to give a unique cadence that gives it a strange sort of solidarity. The space between the lines, framing shadows, gives three dimensional mass to the work of art. The course of action of this artistic creation surrenders a nearly beat feeling yet the cool hues make a quieting impact and offer solace. Further, show emerges from the relationship of high contrast tones and the literarily rich surface she makes. One issue that emerges while attempting to contemplate this artistic creations passionate force is that the enthusiastic substance of music is abstract and the feeling made is subject to the individual watcher.
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
The Tragedy of Julius Caesar - Free Essay Example
In life, people can change for the good or bad, or maybe the bad has always been in them and they finally let it out. All throughout history, you see groups of people conquering parts of the world, but yet to some, they are still good and to others, they are murderers, fugitives, and or vagabonds. Greed can change someone, wanting power can simply create a monster, like Christopher Columbus discovered America when he was a murderer inreality. Everyone will pay for their sins, this is the way of life, the way God set things up but everything happens for a reason. What do you say about your friends or family who turn on you for power, or simply because they feel like its the right thing to do? Would you ignore the signs that God has sent you in ways you cant understand? In the Tragedy of Julius Caesar, we see how some people change or show who they really are or even the simple fact that some of us dont take heed to warnings at all. Luke 12:15 then said to them, Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a mans life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions. God said to watch out for greedy people much like Cassius. Cassius was a snake in the grass who presented itself like he was your friend. He was able to manipulate Brutus and changed him in a way he cant change or undo for his sins are with him. Cassius was okay with ruining others life because it shows that he barely even valued his own life. Proverbs 15:27 He who is greedy for gain troubles in his own house, but he who hates bribes will live During the story, everyone started to lose something or someone they loved because of their actions. Caesar was going to be king of Rome because he won the battle of Pompey. But did his big headedness bring death upon him? Fate has its way of revealing itself one way or another. 1 Peter 5:8 Be sober-minded: be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Caesar thought that he was immortal, as if he was a God and that no harm could come his way. People like that can become very dangerous or die. In this world, you have to keep both eyes open and keep your enemies close and your friends closer. People can turn on your no matter how long youve been friends. His bestfriend Brutus is a prime example of this, he killed Caesar. Sometimes, you can trust yourself because no one will have your back like you will. Friendship and loyalty is very important in this world. We need people in order to survive thats how it was set up. Brutus was a very loyal and honorable man, but someone broke him. He was manipulated into killing Caesar his bestfriend! He tried to keep the good in him, so he did it for the people of Rome, to save them. Everyone should be able to trust someone but people will always look out for themselves in their own way. The circle of life was present during this story there was a domino effect. Greed always ends up bad for it is a sin and your fate depends on your actions. Caesar was the reason he died because he was so immortal. The moral of this play is take heed and always be cautious. I will never let my guard down! Everyone knows what goes around comes back around, and this play has showed us this in the most brutal way. We learn from our mistakes or history will keep repeating itself.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Bus 307 Week 3 Spend Analysis - 1029 Words
BUS 307 – Operations Management Quantitative Techniques Michael Dennis-Leigh July 23, 2012 Spend Analysis I. Introduction The current condition of the economy in the United States (US) and increased economic pressures has reinvigorated many companies to rethink their purchasing practices. One of the best ways for a company to evaluate its spending patterns is through a spend analysis. â€Å"A spend analysis is the process of determining what is being spent, with whom and for what†(Hingorani, 2010, p. 58). In order to accomplish this task companies must use software programs to import and aggregate data from multiple systems. This paper will explore several components of the spend analysis process†¦show more content†¦In the last phase, the verify phase, the team validates the design, implements a pilot to confirm expected results, and verifies that the process output meets the expectations of all stakeholders (Bozarth Handfield, 2008). IV. Functional Area Participation Creating a cross-functional stakeholder team to develop your new spend analysis process will be crucial. While many functional areas should be involved, finance is probably the most vital because they manage a large portion of the data warehouses, and will have valuable knowledge on the best way to extract necessary data. Some of the other functional areas that should be part of your team are pricing, purchasing, operations, product development, and information technology to name a few. Moreover, by involving all functional areas the new process may touch you are much more likely to mitigate resistance to the final spend analysis process. This also gives various groups the ability to assist in the design phase to ensure all functional area requirement are met. Additionally, by including other functional areas in the process you can create more buy-in, avoid pitfalls, and create a holistic process that meets the needs of all stakeholders (Anonymo us, 2005). V. Conclusion Developing a robust spend analysis process is an important part of a company’s strategic plan. While software applications can aid the process there isShow MoreRelatedEmployee Turnover Its Impacts on Organisations3408 Words  | 14 PagesContents Page 1. Definition †¢ †¢ How to calculate Employee Turnover Rate Within the 1st Year Table 1: Average Annual Turnover Rate by Industry and Occupational Groups †¢ †¢ The Rising Turnover Trend The Salmon Fallacy 4 5 3 3 4 2. Effects and Impacts of High Employee Turnover to Organisations 3. Benefits of Employee Retention †¢ Binding: Choices in Retaining Talent a. Offer financial inducements b. Offer intrinsic inducements c. Offer extrinsic inducements d. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Holocaust And Japanese Internment Camps - 1800 Words
The Holocaust was a very tragic time period as well as the Japanese-American Internment Camps. They took place at different time periods. The Holocaust first started on January 30, 1933 and ended on May 8, 1945. The Japanese-American Internment camps took place on February 19, 1942 to the end of 1945. A brief summary of the Holocaust is that Adolf Hitler, the ruler of Germany lied to the people of Germany. He made it seem as if was â€Å"clean†and would make the country great. They obviously believed him because 1: they would have never thought Hitler was going to become a dictator and 2: he probably backed himself up with a lot of evidence. When Hitler became ruler he turned everything upside down. He was not the man he said he was, he was just a dictator. It was then when he made the death camps for the Jews. The Internment Camps however, did not go that extreme as the Holocaust. The Internment camps was declared by Franklin D. Roosevelt. He made every one who was Japanese or had a Japanese decent go to these camps. Even soldiers who had a decent had to go. They gave them very bad food but no death camps were involved. This effect was from the cause of Pearl Harbor. Overall, the Holocaust and Internment Camps were different but similar in many ways. The Holocaust started by Adolf Hitler. Hitler was born on April 20, 1889. His parents were called Klara Hitler and his dad was named Alois Hitler. Hitler had siblings but out of the six children born only two survived, Adolf hisShow MoreRelatedJapanese Internment Camps during WWII1584 Words  | 7 Pagesdiscrimination near World War II (WWII) were the Jewish people and Japanese Americans. Both groups faced very different types of discrimination by different oppressors with different motives yet their treatment was very similar and many events paralleled each other. The treatment of Japanese in WWII internment camps was as harsh as the Holocausts treatment of the Jewish people. The lead up to the Japanese Americans internment took place over many decades leading up to WWII. It began in theRead MoreHolocaust the Japanese-American Internment1195 Words  | 5 Pagessome. Hitler did this to the Jews as he wanted the world to have the Aryan race with the Holocaust, and America did this to the Japanese during the Japanese internment. The Holocaust and the Japanese internment are very different from one another yet they are both very similar to each other. The Holocaust was the systematic mass slaughter of Jews and other groups deemed inferior by the Nazis. The Holocaust began when Adolf Hitler, the fascist leader of Germany that would lead the world into WorldRead MoreNight By Elie Wiesel1661 Words  | 7 PagesNight is an account of the Holocaust and persecution of the Jewish people, written by Elie Wiesel. Elie Wiesel wrote, â€Å"Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, which has turned my life into one long night, seven times cursed and seven times sealed. Never shall I forget that smoke. Never shall I forget the little faces of the children, whose bodies I saw turned into wreaths of smoke beneath a silent blue sky†(Night). Remembering the events of the Holocaust and the atrocities that occurredRead MoreInternsment And Japanese Internment Camps750 Words  | 3 PagesClaim- For years, people have argued over whether Japanese Internment camps( interment means putting a person in prison or other kind of detention, generally in wartime. During World War II, the American government put Japanese-Americans in internment camps, fearing they might be loyal to Japan.) are an Americanized version of concentration camps. Some say that the Japanese Internment camps were just as brutal and inhumane as concentration camps in Nazi Germany. Others will tell you they were completelyRead MoreWar Crimes Against Harry Truman1743 Words  | 7 Pagesone believes to be true depends on the perspective of the situation. An American might believe President Truman was justified for allowing the atomic bombs to be dropped in order to save hundreds of American soldiers. From the point of view of a Japanese, dropping this massive, deadly, destructive bomb on a town of innocent citizens would be considered inhumane. War crimes are defined by the ICRC as any action that is carried out during war that violates the International Rules of War. It can a lsoRead MoreJapanese Internment Essay : Japanese American Internment1084 Words  | 5 PagesDavid Ly Mr. Carelback US History April 23, 2016 Japanese-American Internment Essay Humanity has seen great horrors throughout the course of history, one them being the Holocaust during World War II. As we look down upon the Germans of that time, the U.S. had their very own holocaust. President Roosevelt issued the Executive Order #9066 on February 19, 1942, which allowed the relocation of tens and thousands of Japanese Americans to internment camps, stripping them of their rights; the reason beingRead MoreWhy Should The Internment Of Nisei Be More Controversial?988 Words  | 4 Pageswould the internment of Nisei be more controversial?) Issei is a term used to describe Japanese immigrants, or those born in Japan but who have moved to America. Such people were prohibited by law from converting into naturalized Americans, despite how long they had lived in the United States. Nisei, on the other hand, defines U.S. citizens born to â€Å"Issei†parents-or Japanese immigrant parents. Nisei are more accurately called â€Å"Japanese Americans,†or referred to as â€Å"non-aliens.†The internment of NiseiRead MoreJapanese Americans in American Concentration Camps783 Words  | 3 Pagesmind is the Jewish people kept in Concentration Camps throughout the Holocaust, this is not it. Japanese-Americans were persecuted due to the fact that they looked like citizens of Japan, who had attacked the United States on December 7th, 1941 at the naval base, Pearl Harbor. This hatred toward the group was due to newspapers creating a scare for the American people, as well as the government restricting the rights of Japanese-Americans. The Japanese-Americans were mistreated during World War II forRead MoreJapanese Canadians Essay1050 Words  | 5 Pageshumanity (I.E Holocaust, Murder of millions, Attempt at world domination etc.), the allies also had their own dark moments. Joy Kogawa displays the horrors of the allies’ dark side shockingly accurately in the book â€Å"Obasan†. The book talks about the impact of a Loathing Society and internment on Japanese-Canadians, during and after World War II. In the book a Japanese woman named Naomi narrates the book, and recalls the horrors that befell her and her family. The book affirms that the internment of Japanese-CanadiansRead MorePearl Harbor : As A Cause1137 Words  | 5 Pagesof service members died and our fleet of navy ships in Hawaii was crippled. A pivotal event in American history, Pearl Harbor was a cause of relocation camps and America’s entrance into World War II. A major effect of Pearl Harbor was the Japanese â€Å"relocation camps†in America. With some aspects similar to those of Nazi Germany’s concentration camps in Poland. In the first few months of the war Japan had defeated many and taking few casualties. U.S. troops in the Philippines were overwhelmed, while
Pixar Animation Studios’ Up Essay Sample free essay sample
Walt Disney Pictures and Pixar Animation Studios’ Up. the popular animated movie from 2009 grabs your attending from the really get downing with its outstanding creativeness and color throughout every scene. Fictional characters are brought to life through witty word pictures and merriment voices. A meaningful narrative is felt. conveying you all the manner to the fairy narrative stoping. Up is an inventive and adventuresome journey. taking you through the troubles of life. edifice of friendly relationships. and doing right determinations. all lending to achieving true felicity. â€Å"Nominated for 92 awards. winning 55. including 2 Oscar Awards for Best Achievement in Music Written for Motion Pictures and Best Animated Feature Film of the Year â€Å" Up is merely unbelievable ( IMDb ) . Up mastered the thought of doing an alive movie gratifying for all ages. whether kid. adolescent. or grownup. Action. escapade. love. and laughs are all parts lending to the movie as a whole. doing it merriment for anyone. Good ethical motives and metaphors can be seen throughout. associating them to parts of life but in a originative and inventive mode maintaining the amusement degrees high from the really start. Up Begins with the heartfelt love narrative of Carl and Ellie as immature kids meeting in the old house where they began their escapades together. As childs. they portion features of wonder. optimism. and fun loving psyche. Carl and Ellie shared a long and happy life with a desire for more escapade than they were truly able to accomplish. This beautiful love narrative is so torn to pieces as Carl is faced with the decease of Ellie and is forced to travel on with his durable life. â€Å"Carl becomes overwhelmed by his heartache and the load of a life that to him now seems uncomplete. It would be so easy for him to give up – to allow the developers take over his place – but Carl pig-headedly stays in the house filled with their shared memories while experiencing progressively heartsick and grumpy†( Evely. 62-70 ) . These strong feelings of how disquieted he seems to be are genuinely felt by the life and actions of shown. As he moves on. his daily modus operandi is dead. lacking in life or even much attention. His life feels pointless. as he hangs on to the yesteryear from when his one love was still with him. Anger and grief are brought out in Carl when a building worker unwittingly amendss the letter box carefully painted by Ellie in the yesteryear. When this happens. Carl work stoppages at the adult male out of pure inherent aptitude. keeping on to what he cares about most. the memories of Ellie. Because of his actions. Carl is so required to go forth his place and unrecorded in a retirement place. But merely as his life seems to hold wholly ended. Carl comes up with the bright thought to salvage his place and Ellie’s dream at the same clip. to wing his house with 1000s of balloons to their childhood dream. Paradise Falls. But while his impossible dream seems to be in gesture as he sails through the sky. he is shortly awakened by the knock of a immature wilderness explorer 70 old ages younge r than he. Russell. voiced by Jordan Nagai. is an 8-year-old wilderness adventurer seeking to gain his last badge of helping the aged. Carl. being an old adult male himself. turns out to be the perfect mark. Ending up on Carl’s porch while winging through the sky. Russell is fearfully caught outside and Carl is reluctantly forced to allow the adolescent male child in. Showing more of his stubborn and crabbed personality. Carl dislikes the presence of the male child. merely being a distraction to his journey. A barrier is felt between the two chiefly coming from Carl’s negative vibraphones contrary to Russell’s fun-loving character. Christine Evely points out that â€Å"the energizers have non chosen a realist manner of life. but alternatively have used a caricatured manner that high spots cardinal characteristics. about doing them larger than life. You might detect that Carl is a instead square-shaped character who is slow and steady. while Russell is more circle-shaped an d able to travel about fluidly and quickly†( 62-70 ) . This pick of life plants good to drastically uncover the tempers the characters are in and demo their true personalities while besides adding a amusing turn. Along with these two chief characters. other playful characters are seen and each have their ain type of characteristic portrayed by their actions during the movie. Each character has its ain narrative and troubles to face. Like many alive movies. Up has a conflict of good versus immorality. As Carl and Russell make the speedy journey to South America. they so struggle to go through through the jungle. drawing the natation house with them to the exact drop Ellie had dreamed of. But along the manner. Charles Muntz ( voiced by Christopher Plummer ) . besides Carl’s childhood hero. and his speaking Canis familiariss try to acquire in the manner. Earlier in the movie Russell found a Snipe bird and named him Kevin. going his new friend. But Kevin had ever been a mark for Charles as he has long searched to capture him. As this turn is added to the narrative. ill will and action becomes more prevailing as Charles tries his best to take the bird. Charles and his Canis familiariss. equipped with neckbands to assist them speak. are shown as the evil 1s in the movie disputing the good of Carl and Russell. These evil characters are seen as making what is incorrect. arousing high emotions against them. As the conflict gets more intense. another character is brought into the image. Dug. Dug is a Canis familiaris that was originally a portion of Charles’ wolf battalion of oblique Canis familiariss. but finally turns to go good. assisting Carl and Russell to get away. Yet another relationship is built as Carl. Russell. Dug. and Kevin work together to acquire off from the hazard skulking behind them. Throughout the film Carl is the character that additions the most from the escapade and edifice of friendly relationships. The passing of his darling married woman causes Carl to detest life. maintaining merely to himself instead than doing the best of things. Even when he begins his journey to South America and becomes accompanied by Russell. he rejects the boy’s positive and magnetic presence. much like that of his ain childhood. But after passing more and more clip with him. Carl learns to love and care for Russell. Although when the pick is brought to him whether to salvage himself and his house or to salvage Kevin as Charles makes him make up ones mind. he chooses what he cares most approximately. the house. Russell is heartbroken and decides to seek and salvage Kevin himself while Charles flies off in his Colonel Blimp. Finally doing it to the dream finish. Carl feels a agape hole inside of him. non filled by his original end. He so realizes that he needs to allow travel of the past and can make so by uncluttering out all of the ownerships in his house. doing it light plenty to wing after th e Colonel Blimp to salvage Russell. He so becomes the hero of the narrative. giving all that he has left to salvage his newfound friend. A feeling of exhilaration is brought out through the fast paced music. this being the flood tide of the movie. A conflict of heroic proportions met with wit is fought as the two old work forces duel it out on the Colonel Blimp stoping with good get the better ofing immorality. Confronting the troubles of the journey. Carl ends up deriving much more than he expected. The challenges and things he endures can be related to occurrences of existent life. Death is something we all will confront in our life-times and can be really emotional. Up is able to capture this feeling highly good in merely a few short proceedingss at the beginning of the movie. Every emotion is felt in this narrative. from felicity to desperation. Easily related to. Carl goes through things that we all do. He falls in love. lives his happy and perfect life with typical adversities coming throughout. Along with great duologue emotion capturing voices. the ocular effects were attractively done. The narrative is even more vividly brought out by colourful imagination. Every scene is visually interesting. maintaining your attending throughout. particularly when seen in 2D. â€Å"The colourss – particularly those of the balloons and the feather of a elephantine bird – are bright and cheerful. and will about surely lose something when diminished by the 3D spectacless. so there’s at least one obliging statement to see this in 2D. Regardless of how it’s watched. Up showcases the all right life that has become Pixar’s trademark. It is non every bit airy as what we were presented with in WALL-E. but it puts to dishonor DreamWorks’ Monsters vs. Aliens. where the compulsion with 3D resulted in other shortcomings†( James Berardinelli ) . No affair who you are. Up will be one of the most unbelievable alive movies to of all time be seen. The realistic backgrounds are blended nicely with the caricatured characters. Not much is left for ima ginativeness as scenes are portrayed skilfully such as in the wondrous made landscapes of South America. The jungles are full of colourful leafy vegetables. assisting you to experience as though you were at that place. At the 82nd Academy Awards. Up took place the award for Best Animated Feature. and even received a nomination for Best Picture. and truly so. â€Å"Having an estimated budget of $ 175. 000. 000 to do the movie. Up was able to gross $ 731. 342. 744 worldwide. as of November 25. 2011†( Rotten Tomatoes ) . Obviously. audiences from all about have demonstrated their love for the movie. lending to its success. â€Å"Up tells a narrative as titillating to the imaginativeness as the charming alive movies of my childhood. when I naively thought that because their colourss were brighter. their character lineations more defined and their secret plans simpler. they were really more realistic than regular films†( Ebert ) Peter Travers explains in an article a position felt by most who see the movie stating how â€Å"the film is wondrous amusing and touching ( props t o the gawky hero of a bird Russell names Kevin ) . but what’s truly tickle pinking are the hazards it takes. all set to Michael Giacchino’s ardent. award-caliber score†( Rolling Stone ) . The award from the Oscars for Best Achievement in Music Written for Motion Pictures. Original Score was granted to Michael Giacchino. decidedly being deserved. Harmonizing nicely with the life. the musical tonss help you set the temper of the scene. allowing emotions run rampantly. whether in depression or joy. A truly heart-wrenching stoping shows how Carl is able to accomplish his newfound end of true felicity. â€Å"Carl now sits with Russell and his Canis familiaris. able now to reinvent the universe of paternity via the feeding of ice cream†( Walter Metz 78 ) Peoples should care about what this simple. yet traveling narrative has to demo for because it relates to each and every one of our lives in one manner or another. Carl faces the worst of troubles life brings. and struggles to acquire over the past. but in the terminal realizes that we must construct friendly relationships and do right determinations to accomplish felicity. â€Å"Pixar Lashkar-e-Taibas smart. far-out creative persons indulge their creativeness. †( All Movie ) assisting to represent the true nature of us as human existences. With all things considered. Up was genuinely an inspirational film. accompanied by blithe laughs along the manner. This movie has efficaciously shown how easy it can be to give up. but when you choose to make the right thing. even if it means rolling from your original end. you will happen felicity.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
What Is A Good Novel Essays - Hobbies, Novelist, Arnold Bennett
What is a Good Novel? Modernism is a generic term applied to the beginnings of the "new literature" that came with the twentieth century. In Great Britain, it followed Victorian period, steeped with grandiose subject matter and moralizing, didactic themes and lessons. In 1901 Arnold Bennet published The "Average Reader" and the Recipe for Popularity. He describes in this short essay somewhat satirically, what to do when one wants to write a novel that will have mass appeal. In this essay it will be supposed that the goal of the novel is either to entertain, enlighten, or to do both. This depending on whether it is a purely entertaining novel, or one that is written with some aesthetic technique or value with an effect beyond mere entertainment. It is worth noting that the contemporary British novelist Anthony Burgess has said writing novels should entertain the novelist more than any one during the composition stage. This makes sense to me and I can apply the same maxim to writing scholarly papers for ac ademic merit. When enjoyment in the process of creation exists, then perhaps this spirit is transferred to the reception by the art-patron. I will take for granted that the serious fiction-writer has a harder time getting money for his or her writing than the popular novelist, who writes perhaps with a formula or with simple, easy-to-understand sentence structure. My example for this (the post-modern era), Danielle Steele. I have never read a book by Ms. Steele, and I do not think I ever will. Danielle Steele will probably never win a Nobel prize for literature. She will not be immortalized by her writing like Shakespeare. She will not have scholars praising her works in two-hundred years with terms like "great" and "masterpiece." She writes entertaining novels directed at middle-aged white females, and she gets on the best-seller lists a lot. I cannot know if Steele has ever read Bennett's essay, but I am sure some of his proofs ring true in the tale of her success. One of the reasons I am an English major is that I want to be directed in my reading towards great works. I hope to gain from this reading stimulation a sha rper, more clearly defined sense of myself and the world around me. Bennett says that "the average reader likes an imposing plot, heroical characters, and fine actions. Grandeur of subjects will always be his first demand." In his book Anna of the Five Towns, I find none of these features to be prominent, besides perhaps Anna's generous inheritance, and I did not consider this book to be of any literary value whatsoever; to me it was not entertaining or enlightening. So without looking to be an "average reader," by his terms, I must have fallen into the pit of slipshod literacy? Bennett makes a distinction between the minority and the majority of the reading public. The minority, in his eyes the more important, and thus the more apt to read more seriously, well-written books, are the more artistic and scholarly, and live in a constant state of conflict with the majority. The majority, which buys books and enjoys them, have to defend their favorite reading "with what skill they can muster, making up in brute force what they lack in adroitness." Bennett is generally saying the members of this majority are a big ball of sensory perception, if you have the right stuff to feed them, they'll fork over the dough for what you have. He goes on to describe what this food is, which he has ostensibly ascertained the consistency through his own experiences reading those novels that were popular and those that were not. I had difficulty accepting most of what is promulgated in this essay simply because of my low opinion of his own work. I think the truly gifted writer has a way of transcending this majority versus minority dichotomy of readership. Shakespeare is considered to have employed a gargantuan vocabulary when creating his plays and poetry, and he enjoyed massive success in his writing career. Perhaps when writing his essay, Bennett was trying to heal the bruises of a rampant inferiority complex, and consequently was justifying his lack of great
Monday, March 16, 2020
10+ Tools and Resources to Write the Perfect Resume
10+ Tools and Resources to Write the Perfect Resume 10+ Tools and Resources to Write the Perfect Resume 10+ Tools and Resources to Write the Perfect Resume By Ali Hale If you read my post of resume tips a few weeks ago, you’ll already be familiar with best practice for writing a great resume. While there’s nothing wrong with hand-crafting your resume in Microsoft Word (or your word processor of choice), there are plenty of online tools that can save you lots of time by formatting your resume in seconds. Plus, if you’re still struggling with exactly what to put on your resume in the first place – there’s lots of great advice out there. Before we get into the list of great tools and resources, there are a couple of crucial things to keep in mind: Whatever tools you use, employers will expect a resume that conforms to a standard format. There are some nifty tools out there that let you create a resume that looks like, say, an infographic: unless you’re very certain that’ll go down well with your potential employer, stick to something a little more conventional. Tools can be hugely helpful but they can only do so much. If there are major issues with your resume (like a huge unexplained gap in your work history, or a total mismatch between your listed skills and what an employer wants), you’ll want to fix those problems before trying to format your resume beautifully. With those caveats out of the way, here’s the list: Online Advice and Support on Creating Your Resume #1: â€Å"Resume†Category (free), Ask a Manager I love the blog â€Å"Ask a Manager†by Allison Green (though be warned, it’s an easy place to spend a little too much time reading about other people’s weirdly dysfunctional workplaces). There’s a whole category of advice about â€Å"Resumes†, which is well worth a read. (Allison Green is a manager who’s been extensively involved in hiring and really knows her stuff. You can submit your own questions to her, if you have a resume query that hasn’t already been covered on the blog.) #2: Resume Samples (free), Resume Genius If you’re writing a resume for the first time – or after a long time away from employment – then you might feel quite unclear on how a resume should even look. Going through some resume samples can be really helpful, because it gives you a good feel for what potential employers will expect. There are plenty of sites out there offering sample resumes, but Resume Genius is a particularly easy-to-use one, with samples categorised by industry, and with related samples like cover letters, plus additional tips. You can click to download a sample as a Microsoft Word document without having to sign up or put in your email address. Tip: Don’t assume that the wording or layout of a sample is perfect (or that it’s perfect for the role you have in mind): it won’t necessarily be appropriate to copy a particular phrase that a sample resume or cover letter uses, for instance. In any case, you should be very careful about using wording from any sample unless it’s something very standard (like â€Å"I am interested in applying†or â€Å"Thank you for your consideration†), unless you have express permission – otherwise, copying the sample is plagiarism. #3: CV Tips: this is what a recruiter can see after 30 seconds with your resume (free), The Independent This is a single article, but one I wanted to link to because it provides a very honest and valuable perspective from the other side of the fence. It’s easy to end up agonising over things on your resume that don’t really matter – or giving too much importance to areas that employers simply aren’t that interested in (like your educational history). Tip: Although published by a UK newspaper, the author of the piece (Ambra Benjamin) is American, so the advice here applies fairly well on either side of the Atlantic. #4: 43 Resume Tips That Will Help You Get Hired (free), The Muse This is another single article, but one that’s packed with practical tips and lots of links to further information, from the big picture (focusing on recent, relevant jobs) to the little details (avoiding using the same words repeatedly). Note that the article is aimed at US readers, so if you’re in a different country, you may find that some of the advice doesn’t necessarily apply – and even if you are in the US, don’t feel that you have to follow every single point slavishly. Give this a skim-read when you’re first putting together your resume; you can then go through it point by point as you edit and polish your resume, following the links to further information if there’s a particular area where you need extra help or want more details. Tip: There’s some particularly good advice towards the end of the article about saving and sending your resume – do make sure that it displays correctly once emailed (you can send it to yourself and check it on another computer), and make sure you include your name in the file name, not just â€Å"Resume†or â€Å"CV†. #5: 103 Resume Writing Tips, Resume Genius This piece, like the one from The Muse, collects together lots of practical tips – with links to further help when needed. It’s a little different, though, in that it’s a collection of common mistakes – things that the team at Rescue Genius see on a daily basis when reviewing people’s resumes (like â€Å"forgot to use action verbs†or, worryingly, â€Å"misspelled own name†). Some of the mistakes might seem like obvious ones to avoid, but others are ones you might never have thought about before – like â€Å"weak bullet points displayed before strong ones†and â€Å"not bringing multiple copies of it to interview†. Tip: The article is US-focused, but a lot of these tips will apply wherever you are in the world.  There might be cases where standard practice in your own country is different, though – so do seek local advice as well, and ignore the tips/mistakes that don’t apply to you. Tools to Create Your Resume #6: Canva Resume Builder (free) Canva offers a wide range of design tools and resources, and it has a great resume building tool. You start by writing your name and then you will be able to pick the style you are looking for. For example, you can go with corporate style, acting resume, high school, creative professional and so on. The next step is to pick the templates you like from a list of available ones. Finally, you will be able to input your resume information and to edit any design aspects you want. Overall the process is very simple and will produce a professional looking resume in a very short time. #7: Google Docs templates (free), various creators If you want a straightforward way to create a resume, why not use Google Docs’s templates? Click on the link above to go straight to the â€Å"Template gallery†, then click â€Å"General†to view them. You should see a whole series of different templates: scroll down to get to the resumes. Click your chosen template to load it up, then simply fill in the details. Keep in mind that once you’ve chosen a template to edit, you can’t switch your text to a different template – so you might want to try a few before you settle on one. Tip: Most of the resume templates have a corresponding â€Å"letter†template that uses the same colours and fonts. You might want to use this for your cover letter (if you’re not simply including the cover letter in the body of an email). #7: Kickresume (free/paid), Kickresume SRO Kickresume is a free and straightforward site that lets you create a standard resume, providing templates for both resumes and cover letters (plus websites). It’s simple to use, though you will need to create an account (or you can login via Google, Facebook or LinkedIn). To save time, you can import your LinkedIn profile, by downloading a .zip file from LinkedIn and uploading it to Kickresume – full instructions are provided. You can change the template you’re using at any time, without losing any of the text you’ve uploaded or inputted. There are only three basic, free templates though – if you want to use the â€Å"pro†options, you’ll need to upgrade to the paid plan ($15/month or $48/year). Tip: Some of the resume templates include space to put a photograph of yourself. This isn’t standard practice in the US or UK for resumes, so if you’re in those countries, you may want to choose a template that only has text content. #9: Enhancv (paid, has free trial) Enhancv is a complete platform for those looking to create a modern and effective resume. After signing up you will be prompted to choose one of the many existing templates. you will then be able to edit all the sections with your personal information and experience. One interesting feature the platform offers are the automated suggestions to improve the wording of specific parts of your resume. This is a paid product, but it comes with a free 7-day trial. On top of that the website offers a wide range of resources and articles you can use to improve your resume without paying anything. #10: CV Maker (free, paid), CV Maker CV maker offers several basic templates for creating a resume. You fill in your information in a form, and you can then switch between different templates if you want to. While it’s possible to create your resume without logging in, you’ll need to create an account if you want to save your CV and edit it in the future. It’s free to create an account, and you’ll get full access to the basic templates and to the save/download features. The premium level (which gives you lots of advanced options) only costs $16/year, too – so you might decide it’s worth upgrading. Tip: CV Maker’s site is available in a wide range of different languages: if English isn’t your native language, you can easily change this from the drop-down menu at the top of the site or the list in the footer. #11: Standard Resume (free, paid), Minimum Works Standard Resume has a very straightforward LinkedIn import – you can bring in all your information from LinkedIn, then edit or add anything you need to. As with Kickresume and CV Maker, the basic templates are free; you can pay for a premium account ($5/month or $20/year) to tailor your resume further. Unlike some other sites, Standard Resume keeps the templates simple and straightforward: you won’t find profile photos or odd infographic elements here. If you’re applying to a fairly traditional industry, or if you just want to keep things as simple as possible, that could make Standard Resume a great option for you. Tip: The pro level also lets you see when your resumes have been viewed and/or downloaded, which you might find useful. #12: Slick Write (free), RussTek LLC In Top 10 Online Tools to Help You Write the Perfect Essay, I covered the popular spelling and grammar checking tools Grammarly and Hemingway. Slick Write is similar: you can paste in a passage of writing (or use a Chrome or Firefox extension) and it will automatically flag up potential problems. You could use it on your cover letter or any emails you need to send, as well as on your resume. While I don’t think any tool can replace careful proofreading – and ideally, a second pair of eyes on your resume – Slick Write can help you to edit your work. It’s completely free, so well worth a try. (It is, however, funded by ads, which you may find slightly intrusive or annoying.) Tip: As with any grammar checker, don’t feel that you have to follow every single recommendation. You might decide that your phrasing is fine as it is! Whatever tools you use to help, writing a resume can be tough. You need to convey, clearly and concisely, exactly why you’ll be a good fit for a particular role – in a standard format that supplies potential employers with all the information they’ll expect. For further help on knowing what to include in your resume, take a look at my article Top 10 Resume Writing Tips for 2018. Best of luck with your job-hunting. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the General category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Bare or Bear With Me?Social vs. SocietalMood vs. Tense
Saturday, February 29, 2020
Anonymous Research Essay Example for Free
Anonymous Research Essay Internet (835) , Anonymous (16) company About StudyMoose Contact Careers Help Center Donate a Paper Legal Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Complaints Anonymous (used as a mass noun) is a loosely associated hacktivist group. It (is estimated to have) originated in 2003 on the imageboard 4chan, representing the concept of many online and offline community users simultaneously existing as an anarchic, digitized global brain.[2] It is also generally considered to be a blanket term for members of certain Internet subcultures, a way to refer to the actions of people in an environment where their actual identities are not known.[3] It strongly opposes Internet censorship and surveillance, and has hacked various government websites. It has also targeted major security corporations.[4][5][6] It also opposes Scientology, government corruption and homophobia. Its members can be distinguished in public by the wearing of stylised Guy Fawkes masks.[7] In its early form, the concept was adopted by a decentralized online community acting anonymously in a coordinated manner, usually toward a loosely self-agreed goal, and primarily focused on entertainment. Beginning with 2008, the Anonymous collective became increasingly associated with collaborative, international hacktivism. They undertook protests and other actions in retaliation against anti-digital piracy campaigns by motion picture and recording industry trade associations.[8][9] Actions credited to â€Å"Anonymous†were undertaken by unidentified individuals who applied the Anonymous label to themselves as attribution.[10] They have been called the freedom fighters of the Internet,[11] a digital Robin Hood,[12] and â€Å"anarchic cyber-guerrillas.†[13] Although not necessarily tied to a single online entity, many websites are strongly associated with Anonymous. This includes notable imageboardssuch as 4chan, their associated wikis, Encyclopà ¦dia Dramatica, and a number of forums.[14] After a series of controversial, widely publicized protests, distributed denial of service (DDoS) and website defacement attacks by Anonymous in 2008, incidents linked to its cadre members have increased.[15] In consideration of its capabilities, Anonymous has been posited by CNN to be one of the three major successors to WikiLeaks.[16] In 2012, Time named Anonymous as one of the most influential groups in the world.[17] The name Anonymous itself is inspired by the perceived anonymity under which users post images and comments on the Internet. Usage of the term Anonymous in the sense of a shared identity began on imageboards.[14] A tag of Anonymous is assigned to visitors who leave comments without identifying the originator of the posted content. Users of imageboards sometimes jokingly acted as if Anonymous were a real person. The concept of the Anonymous entity advanced in 2004 when an administrator on the 4chan image board activated a â€Å"Forced_Anon†protocol that signed all posts as Anonymous.[14] As the popularity of imageboards increased, the idea of Anonymous as a collective of unnamed individuals became an Internet meme.[18] Anonymous broadly represents the concept of any and all people as an unnamed collective. As a multiple-use name, individuals who share in the â€Å"Anonymous†moniker also adopt a shared online identity, characterized as hedonistic and uninhibited. This is intended as a satirical, conscious adoption of the online disinhibition effect.[19] â€Å"| We [Anonymous] just happen to be a group of people on the internet who needâ€â€just kind of an outlet to do as we wish, that we wouldn’t be able to do in regular society. †¦That’s more or less the point of it. Do as you wish. †¦ There’s a common phrase: ‘we are doing it for the lulz.’| †| â€â€Trent Peacock. Search Engine: The face of Anonymous, February 7, 2008.[19]| Definitions tend to emphasize that the concept, and by extension the collective of users, cannot be readily encompassed by a simple definition. Instead Anonymous is often defined by aphorismsdescribing perceived qualities.[2] One self-description, originating from a protest video targeted at the Churc h of Scientology, is: We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.[20] â€Å"| [Anonymous is] the first Internet-basedsuperconsciousness. Anonymous is a group, in the sense that a flock of birds is a group. How do you know they’re a group? Because they’re traveling in the same direction. At any given moment, more birds could join, leave, peel off in another direction entirely.| †| â€â€Chris Landers. Baltimore City Paper, April 2, 2008.[2]| Anonymous consists largely of users from multiple imageboards and Internet forums. In addition, several wikis and Internet Relay Chat networks are maintained to overcome the limitations of traditional imageboards. These modes of communication are the means by which Anonymous protesters participating in Project Chanology communicate and organize upcoming protests.[21][22] A â€Å"loose coalition of Internet denizens,†[23] the group bands together through the Internet, using IRC channels[21] and sites such as 4chan,[21][23] 711chan,[21] Encyclopà ¦dia Dramatica,[24] and YouTube.[3] Socia l networking services, such as Facebook, are used for to mobilize groups for real-world protests.[25] Anonymous has no leader or controlling party and relies on the collective power of its individual participants acting in such a way that the net effect benefits the group.[23] â€Å"Anyone who wants to can be Anonymous and work toward a set of goals†¦Ã¢â‚¬ a member of Anonymous explained to the Baltimore City Paper. â€Å"We have this agenda that we all agree on and we all coordinate and act, but all act independently toward it, without any want for recognition. We just want to get something that we feel is important done†¦Ã¢â‚¬ [2] Anonymous members have previously collaborated with hacker group LulzSec.[citation needed] It is impossible to ‘join’ Anonymous, as there is no leadership, no ranking, and no single means of communication. Anonymous is spread over many mediums and languages, with membership being achieved simply by wishing to join.[26] Commander X and the People’s Liberation Front A person known as Commander X provided interviews and videos about Anonymous.[27] In 2011, he was at the center of an investigation into Anonymous by HBGary CEO Aaron Barr, who claimed to have identified him as a San Francisco gardener. Interviewed following the attack on HBGary Federal, Commander X revealed that while Barr suspected that he was a leader of the group, he was in his own words a â€Å"peon.†However, Commander X did claim to be a skilled hacker and founding member of an allied organization, the Peoples Liberation Front (PLF).[28] According to Commander X, Peoples Liberation Front, a collective of hactivists founded in 1985, acted with AnonOps, another sub-group of Anonymous, to carry out denial-of-service (DDOS) attacks against government websites in Tunisia, Iran, Egypt, and Bahrain. Explaining the relationship between Anonymous and the PLF, he suggested an analogy to NATO, with the PLF being a smaller sub-group that could choose to opt in or out of a specific project. â€Å"AnonOps and the PLF are both capable of creating huge â€Å"Internet armies.†The main difference is AnonOps moves with huge force, but very slowly because of their decision making process. The PLF moves with great speed, like a scalpel.†[29] On September 23, 2011, a homeless man in California named Christopher Doyon was arrested and stated by officials to have used the Commander X screen name.[30] He pleaded not guilty.[31] The Low Orbit Ion Cannon is a network stress testing application that has been used by Anonymous to accomplish its DDOS attacks. Individual users download the LOIC and voluntarily contribute their computer to a bot net. This bot net is then directed against the target by AnonOps.[32] Joining the bot net and volunteering one’s resources for the use of the group is thus one way of being a â€Å"member,†a concept that is otherwise hard to define. In April 2009, after The Pirate Bay co-defendants were found guilty of facilitating extensive copyright infringement â€Å"in a commercial and organized form†, Anonymous launched a coordinated DDoS attack against the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI), an organisation responsible for safeguarding recording artists’ rights.[33] When co-founders lost their appeal against convictions for encouraging piracy, Anonymous again targeted the IFPI, labelling them â€Å"parasites.†A statement read: â€Å"We will continue to attack those who embrace censorship. You will not be able to hide your ludicrous ways to control us. On January 19, 2012, Megaupload, a website providing file-sharing services, was shut down by the US Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).[36] In the hours following the shutdown, hackers took down the sites of the DOJ and FBI, as well as the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), and Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI) using distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks.[37]Barrett Brown, described as a spokesperson for Anonymous, called the attack â€Å"the single largest Internet attack in [Anonymous’] history.†[38] With the protests against the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) protests only a day old, Brown stated that internet users were â€Å"by-and-far ready to defend an open Internet.†[38] Although the actions of Anonymous received support,[citation needed] some commentators argued that the denial of service attack risked damaging the anti-SOPA case. Molly Wood of CNET wrote that â€Å"[i]f the SOPA/PIPA protests were the Web’s moment of inspiring, non-violent, hand-holding civil disobedience, #OpMegaUpload feels like the unsettling wave of car-burning hooligans that sweep in and incite the riot portion of the play.†[39] Dwight Silverman of the Houston Chronicle concurred, stating that â€Å"Anonymous’ actions hurt the movement to kill SOPA/PIPA by highlighting online lawlessness.†[40] The Oxford Internet Institute’s Joss Wright wrote that â€Å"In one sense the actions of Anonymous are themselves, anonymously and unaccountably, censoring websites in response to positions with which they disagree.†[37] Anonymous claimed responsibility for taking down government websites in the UK in April 2012 in protest against government extradition and surveillance policies. A message was left on Twitter saying it was â€Å"for your draconian surveillance proposals.†[41] Anonymous activists merged with Occupy Wall Street protesters. Anonymous members descended on New York’s Zucotti Park and organized it partly. After it became known that some Occupy protesters would get violent, Anonymous used social networking to urge Occupy protesters to avoid disorder. Anonymous used Twitter trends to keep protests peaceful.[42] A similar protest occurred outside the London Stock Exchange in early May 2012 during a May Day Occupy protest.[43] Alleged Internet predator Chris Forcand, 53, was charged with child sexual and firearm offenses.[44] A newspaper report stated that Forcand was already being tracked by â€Å"cyber-vigilantes before police investigations commenced.[45] A television report identified a â€Å"self-described Internet vigilante group called Anonymous†who contacted the police after some members were â€Å"propositioned†by Forcand. The report stated this was the first time a suspected Internet predator was arrested by the police as a result of Internet vigilantism.[46] In October 2011, â€Å"Operation Darknet†was launched as an attempt to cease the activities of child porn sites accessed through hidden services in the deep web.[47] Anonymous published in apastebin link what it claimed were the user names of 1,589 members of Lolita City, a child porn site accessed via the Tor network. Anonymous said that it had found the site via The Hidden Wiki, and that it contained over 100 gigab ytes of child pornography. Anonymous launched a denial-of-service attack to take Lolita City offline. The group is responsible for cyber-attacks on the Pentagon, News Corp and has also threatened to destroy Facebook.[54] In October 2011, Anonymous hackers threatened the Mexican drug cartel known as Los Zetas in an online video after one of their members was kidnapped.[55] In late May 2012 alleged Anonymous members claimed responsibility for taking down a GM crops website.[56] In early September 2012 alleged Anonymous members claimed responsibility for taking down GoDaddy’s Domain Name Servers, affecting small businesses around the globe.[57] In mid-September 2012, Anonymous hackers threatened the Hong Kong government organization, known as National Education Centre. In their online video, Anonymous members claimed responsibility for leaking classified government documents and taking down the National Education Centre website, after the Hong Kong government repeatedly ignored months of wide-scale protests against the establishment of a new core Moral and National Education curriculum for children from 6–18 years of age. The new syllabus came under heavy criticism and international media attention, as it does not award students based on how much factual information is learned, but instead grades and evaluates students based on their level of emotional attachment and approval of the Communist Party of China, almost in blind brain-washing fashion.[58] In response to Operation Pillar of Cloud in November 2012, Anonymous launched a series of attacks on Israeli government websites. Anonymous protested what they called the â€Å"barbaric, brutal and despicable treatment of the Palestinian people.†[59] On November 30, 2012, the group declared an operation to shut down websites of the Syrian government, in response to a internet blackout the previous day believed to be imposed by Syrian authorities in an attempt to silence opposition groups of the Syrian civil war Reaction from law enforcement agencies â€Å"| First, who is this group called Anonymous? Put simply, it is an international cabal of criminal hackers dating back to 2003, who have shut down the websites of the U.S. Department of Justice and the F.B.I. They have hacked into the phone lines of Scotland Yard. They are responsible for attacks against MasterCard, Visa, Sony and the Governments of the U.S., U.K., Turkey, Australia, Egypt, Algeria, Libya, Iran, Chile, Colombia and New Zealand.| †| â€â€Canadian MP Marc Garneau, 2012[67]| In December 2010, the Dutch police arrested a 16-year old for cyberattacks against Visa, MasterCard and PayPal in conjunction with Anonymous’ DDoS attacks against companies opposing Wikileaks.[68] In January 2011, the FBI issued more than 40 search warrants in a probe against the Anonymous attacks on companies that opposed Wikileaks. The FBI did not issue any arrest warrants, but issued a statement that participating in DDoS attacks is a criminal offense with a sentence of up to 10 years in prison.[69][70] In January 2011, the British police arrested five male suspects between the ages of 15 and 26 with suspicion of participating in Anonymous DDoS attacks.[71] Matthew George, a Newcastle, New South Wales resident, concerned with forthcoming Australian internet filtration legislation, was arrested for his participation in Anonymous DDoS activities. George participated in Anonymous IRC discussions, and allowed his computer to be used in a denial of service attack associated with Operation Titstorm. Tracked down by authorities, he was fined $550, though he was not fully aware that his actions were illegal, and believed his participation in Operation Titstorm had been a legal form of civil protest. His experience left him disillusioned with the potential of online anonymity, warning others: â€Å"There is no way to hide on the internet, no matter how hard you cover your tracks you can get caught. You’re not invincible.†[72] On June 10, 2011, the Spanish police captured three purported members of Anonymous in the cities of Gijon, Barcelona and Valencia. The operation deactivated the main server from which the three men coordinated DDoS attacks. This particular group had made attacks on the web servers of the PlayStation Store, BBVA, Bankia, and the websites of the governments of Egypt, Algeria, Libya, Iran, Chile, Colombia and New Zealand. The operation revealed that their structure consisted of â€Å"cells†which at any given time could coordinate attacks through the downloading of software; the decision-making process to attack occurred in chat rooms. The Spanish national police stated that this operation corresponds to the fact that the Spanish government and NATO considers this group of hackers a threat to national security.[73] On June 13, 2011, officials in Turkey arrested 32 individuals that were allegedly involved in DDoS attacks on Turkish government websites. These members of Anonymous were captured in different cities of Turkey including Istanbul and Ankara. According to PC Magazine these individuals were arrested after they attacked these websites as a response to the Turkish government demand to ISPs to implement a system of filters that many have perceived as censorship.[74][75] During July 19–20, 2011, as many as 20 or more arrests were made of suspected Anonymous hackers in the US, UK, and Netherlands following the 2010 Operation Avenge Assange in which the group attacked PayPal, as well as attacking MasterCard and Visa after they froze Wikileaks accounts. According to US officials statements suspects’ homes were raided and suspects were arrested in Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Washington DC, Florida, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Mexico, and Ohio, as well as a 16 year old boy being held by the police in south London on suspicion of breaching the Computer Misuse Act 1990, and four being held in the Netherlands.[76][77][78][79] On February 28, 2012, Interpol issued warrants for the arrests of 25 people with suspected links to Anonymous, according to a statement from the international police agency. The suspects, between the ages of 17 and 40, were all arrested.[80] On September 12, 2012; Anonymous spokesman Barrett Brown was arrested at his home in Dallas on charges of threatening an FBI agent. Agents arrested Brown while he was in the middle of aTinychat session.[81] Anonymous Research. (2016, Dec 31). We have essays on the following topics that may be of interest to you
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Talent Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Talent Management - Assignment Example Organizations need to manage these employees effectively so as to ensure their retention for a longer period of time. (Scullion and Collings, 2011). This challenges the conventional approach to growth in favor of a more harmonized approach (Identifying Natural Talents Lets Company Make Right Choice, 1999). In this essay, important aspects associated with the manager’s role in effective talent management are highlighted how much it is important to identify and appoint appropriate talent for the company to achieve its goals (Schweyer, 2010). A core feature of top personnel is their innate wish to progress, and their dedication towards self-growth and empowerment (Keeping your talent, 2008, pp. 6-8). These employees establish and enhance because they wish to, however not articulating a point in which they can enhance will not offer the impetus needed for this self-growth (Effron and Ort, 2013). Discovering effective leaders and managers to occupy challenging responsibilities is always a preference since it facilitates companies to overcome unpredicted outcomes and to capitalize on introvert opportunities (Berger, 2004). As per a talent management survey, more than 50 percent of organizations use a formal or informal talent management initiative, highlighting that human capital issues are among the prime objectives of strategic planning (Stadler, 2011, pp.
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Profit Maximization An Actual or Theoretical Objective Term Paper
Profit Maximization An Actual or Theoretical Objective - Term Paper Example If the results are observed to have positive impacts on profits, only then that decision is taken into consideration for further implementation. There are number of reasons due to which the model of profit maximization receives is encouraged because of undeniable and sustainable advantages which it offers to the business. Some of them include: Measurement Standard For identifying the performance of a firm, the first question is asked whether the firm is yielding profits or incurring losses. The higher the profits are earned, the better the performance of the firm. This phenomenon is not merely theoretical but its implications can be seen in the real world also. For instance, before investing into any specific firm, the first thing that investors examine is whether the firm is earning profits or not. Investors never invest in any loss making firm and always make a portfolio of firms that are generating higher profits (Kaneda and Matsui, 2003). Survival of Firm Profits are directly linked with firm’s survival. A company that is incurring losses is more likely to get bankrupt irrespective of its history or past performance (Dwivedi, 2012). The example of Kodak can be quoted here. Despite of its experience of 131 years, the company filed for bankruptcy in January 2012. The company could not hold its position and began to incur losses due to which it could not survive and ultimately, collapsed. Economic and Social Welfare Indirectly, the objective of profit maximization caters to economic and social welfare. In businesses, profits account for allocation of resources and efficient utilization. Making payments and allocating resources such as land, labor, capital, assist in taking care of economic and social welfare (Dwivedi, 2012). A lot of thought has been given to the question of profit maximization by economists. Some large and complex institutions where people of different background work together, the purpose is to maximize profits. In actual situation, profit maximization is so common that in some cases, it leads to severe ethical concerns. In the lust of earning higher profits, companies tend to shun ethical boundaries and violate ethics for earning greater returns. Some popular brand such as GAP, Nike, Levi’s, Converse, have proved to be guilty for ethical violation. Their customer base and headquarters are located in United States whereas their production processes are carried out in Asia; therefore they have been criticized for exploitation of workers. They fail to amend the malpractices at production sites of which they are aware but do not take action to correct them. Profit maximization is the fundamental assumption of economic theory. Although it is undeniably of greatest important however, by itself, it is not an ample criterion for effective business management. In practice, there are number of motivations and considerations that influence the desire for maximum economic efficiency and greatest profit as well as the accompanying assumptions that trigger the firm’s economic theory. Criticism to Profit Maximization Despite of such importance in theoretical and actual context, profit maximization is still criticized due to number of reasons. It is considered as undesirable on account of the reasons mentioned below. It overlooks the means involved to earn
Friday, January 24, 2020
The Natural Feminine in Romanticism: A Commentary Essay -- Gender F
After Bethany and Sarah's presentation, "Nature as Woman," I was interested and confused - as were they, I think - by the multiplicity of contradicting views of nature as it relates to gender. According to dominant views on Romanticism, access to nature required a distinctly feminine perspective. Paradoxically, this feminine perspective, entitled ycleped 'sensibility' was to be taken utilized most effectively by men, yet it rested on 'feminine' "emotion [as] †¦ a more pure response to nature" (Fay 5). According to G.J. Barker-Benfield's The Culture of Sensibility "the sentimentalizing process" involved the temperance of a certain 'manliness' that is "uncouth and savage" (288) unless moderated by a feminine influence, thus woman was to use the so-called 'natural' gifts of her sex to lend culture to her more robust and virile counterpart. On first glance, this moderation of 'manly' characteristics appears to lend legitimacy to 'feminine' ideals; however, this apparent liberation o f the feminine illuminates two very serious problems. First, as Barker-Benfield points out, 'feminine' ideals are privileged, but only as they serve to improve upon man; woman is not idealised in her own right. In this service of a masculine purpose "woman was to be 'fashioned' by men rather than by herself" (288). Second, the seemingly legitimisation of 'feminine' ideals can appear progressive but, as a result, ultimately serves to authenticate an idea of 'natural femininity that is, in the opinion of many a feminist, a repressive patriarchal social construct that lacks any real biological referent. Thus it is very fitting, - but not the least bit subtle - that this artificial idea of femininity should be directly applied to Nature herself. If, as Betha... ...constantly striving and failing to solidify and naturalize its gender assumptions. In the end, gender and patriarchy itself are proven unstable and fundamentally paranoid. Works Cited Bethany and Sarah. "Nature Being Represented as Woman." Romantic Travellers. 10 Feb. 2005. David S. Miall. 18 Feb. 2005. Fay, Elizabeth A. A Feminist Introduction to Romanticism. Malden: Blackwell, 1998. Privett, Anne. "Appropriating Nature: Gilpin, the picturesque and Landscape Gardenting." Appropriating Nature: A Presentation for English 409. 10 Feb. 2005. Khaghan Parker, Anne Privett and Luke Ingberg. 18 Feb, 2005 2006. Mulvey, Laura. "Visual Pleasure in Narrative Cinema." Literary Theory: An Anthology. Ed. Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan. Malden and Oxford: Blackwell, 1998.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Miranda v. Arizona Essay
Early in 1963, a 17 years old woman was kidnapped and raped in Phoenix, Arizona. The police investigated the case, and soon found and arrested a poor, and mentally disturbed man. The name of this man was Ernesto Miranda. Miranda was 23 years old when he was arrested. On March 13, 1963, Miranda was arrested based on circumstantial evidence linking him to the kidnapping and the rape. After 2 police officers interrogated him for 2 hours, he signed a confession to the rape charge. The form he signed included the following statement: â€Å"I do hereby swear that I make this statement voluntarily and of my own free will, with no threats, coercion, or promises of immunity, and with full knowledge of my legal rights, understanding any statement I make may be used against me.†Miranda was not given a full and effective warning of his rights. He was not told of his right to remain silent and his right to counsel. Miranda was found guilty of kidnaping and rape and was sentenced to 20-30 years imprisonment on each count. During the prosecution, Miranda’s court-appointed lawyer, Alvin Moore, objected that because of these facts, the confession was not truly voluntary and should be excluded. In the end of 1966, The Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision written by Chief Justice Earl Warren, ruled that the prosecution could not introduce Miranda’s confession as evidence in a criminal trial because the police had failed to first informs Miranda of his right to an attorney and against self-incrimination. The Supreme Court of Arizona detailed the principles governing police interrogation. Arizona ruled that detained criminal suspects, prior to police questioning, must be informed of their constitutional right to an attorney and against self-incrimination.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Beowulf is an Anglo-Saxon Hero Essay - 691 Words
According to the definition, a hero is one who embodies the values of their society. In the epic Anglo-Saxon poem Beowulf, written by an anonymous author, the character Beowulf is used to convey the value that Anglo-Saxons placed on courage, strength, and loyalty. Courage is certainly a trait which every hero must possess, particularly because no one wants a hero who is a coward. Thankfully, Beowulf is no coward. When Beowulf hears of Grendel’s exploits in Denmark, he travels to the â€Å"distant†land, without hesitation, to rid the Danes of that â€Å"demon†¦conceived by a pair of those monsters born of Cain, murderous creatures banished by God†. Beowulf’s courage is displayed even more when he chooses not to fight with weapons, despite knowing†¦show more content†¦Beowulf’s last test of courage comes in his old age when his people are threatened by a â€Å"mighty†dragon. Beowulf felt as if something he had done had caused th e irascible beast to wreck havoc on his people, â€Å"killing and destroying†them and their homes with its â€Å"molten†breath. Knowing what had to be done, Beowulf bravely faced the dragon, while all of his people, except for one, fled in fear. His last battle, which ended in death, displayed Beowulf’s unwavering courage, the type that every hero should possess. Strength is without a doubt one of the most important traits which a hero should possess and the Anglo-Saxon’s felt the same way. Beowulf’s strength can be compared to that of the American comic book heroes, Superman and Batman, for he is deemed the â€Å"strongest and greatest of the Geats†. The first time that his strength is witnessed, not just spoken of, is when he kills Grendel by ripping the monstrous villain’s arm off. But his most notable display of strength occurs when he enters into combat with Grendel’s mother. When everything seems to be going all wrong f or Beowulf, he spies a â€Å"heavy†sword hanging on the wall of her lair. With all his power and might, Beowulf drew the sword, â€Å"hammered by giants...and†¦.so massive that no ordinary man could life it†, from its scabbard. He â€Å"lifts it high over his head†, the sword claspedShow MoreRelatedBeowulf : An Anglo Saxon Hero1825 Words  | 8 PagesBeowulf: An Anglo-Saxon Hero The Anglo-Saxons’ cultures and traditions are rooted in their beliefs of the perfect hero. Their ideal hero has many key characteristics influenced by their culture including courage, strength, bravery, thick skin, loyalty, humbleness, and the ability to create strong trustworthy friendships. Beowulf is an epic poem that exhibits the ideal Anglo-Saxon hero. The Anglo-Saxon traditions illustrated in Beowulf accurately represent the Anglo-Saxon traditions of the time periodRead MoreBeowulf the Anglo Saxon Hero Essay498 Words  | 2 PagesThe epic poem Beowulf describes the most heroic man of the Anglo-Saxon times. The hero, Beowulf, is a seemingly invincible person with all the extraordinary traits required of an Anglo Saxon hero. He is able to use his super-human physical strength and courage to put his people before himself. He encounters many monsters and horrible beasts, but he never fears the threat of death. His leadership skills are outstanding and he is even able to boast about all his achievements. Beowulf is the ultimateRead MoreBeowulf : An Anglo Saxon Epic Hero957 Words  | 4 Pages Beowulf possessed the character of an Anglo-Saxon epic hero for many reasons. Not only was he the central character in the epic Beowulf, but he was a larger-than-life figure. He proved that by the way he fought and put his courage, skill, and virtue against his enemies. Beowulf was brave beyond compare, had superhuman strength, and a desire to find success in what he did. He was a young warrior with a good reputation who battled against an evil demon, Grendel, and later his mother, for the DanesRead MoreEssay Beowulf: The Ideal Anglo-Saxon Hero858 Words  | 4 PagesOriginating in the Anglo-Saxon period, the epic poem Beowulf portrays a legendary hero. Beowulf established the earlier form of heroism, and was then later introduced in to the English culture. Praised and admired by many people, Beowulf possesses several distinct traits that allow him to be defined perfectly as an ideal Anglo-Saxon hero; his eagerness to seek glory and fame, rather than richness and treasures, his lo yalty and graceful attitude not only to his rulers but also to his followers, andRead MoreEssay on Beowulf - The Achetype of an Anglo-Saxon Hero575 Words  | 3 Pagespresent days society a hero can be seen as someone who risk their own safety or well-being to help someone else either individually or to help the community. Todays requirement to be a hero can be anyone as long as they make sacrifices for others, in which they can be seen as selfless and caring. Many traits that are portrayed of heroes currently were once used to determine a hero in Anglo-Saxon times. In the epic poem Beowulf, by an unknown author, the protagonist Beowulf is visioned to be the Read MoreComparing Beowulf, An Anglo Saxon Epic Hero1292 Words  | 6 PagesIn life the courageous hero has forever stood as a standard of whom we should be and who we wish to be. In the story of Beowulf, an Anglo-Saxon epic the hero is one that is easy to understand, Beowulf fights monsters he is loyal to his Lord and sh ows very strong and powerful leadership skills. Beowulf is the perfect Anglo-Saxon epic hero who displays courage, bravery, and strength during his battles against evil. Beowulf can be viewed as the standard courageous hero. In this story courage is viewedRead MoreBeowulf, An Adventurous And Bold Account Of The Trials And Tribulations Of An Anglo Saxon Hero1210 Words  | 5 PagesThe epic-poem, Beowulf is an adventurous and bold account of the trials and tribulations of an Anglo-Saxon hero. 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These are all outstanding examples of Anglo-Saxon epic heroes because they all cameRead MoreModern Hero vs. Anglo Saxon Hero Essay814 Words  | 4 Pagesday hero has similarities and differences than the Anglo-Saxon hero. The two heroes each have different values they believe in. Also, they are motivated to fight for different reasons. An Anglo-Saxon hero also fights differently than a modern day hero. An example of this comparison is Bono from the band U2 and Beowulf. Both modern day heroes, like Bono and Anglo-Saxon heroes, like Beowulf, try to improve their societies, but d o it in different ways and for different reasons. Anglo-Saxon heroesRead MoreAnglo Saxon Culture as Reflected in Beowulf Essay943 Words  | 4 PagesAnglo Saxon Culture as reflected in Beowulf Every culture has its own set of beliefs values and customs. Cultural beliefs, values, and assumptions are directly and indirectly acquired throughout a lifetime. A culture is the sum of a group’s way of life and this is no different with the ancient Anglo Saxon culture. Cultures usually have distinct figures that reflect their culture as a whole. The importance of religion, values, and heroes are reflected a great deal in the epic poem of Beowulf
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